Croma E-waste Disposal
Electronic waste (e-waste) refers to unwanted, discarded or end-of-life electronic products. As we move towards a more technology-driven world, there is a steep rise in e-waste generated worldwide. The majority of this e-waste ends up in landfills or the informal sector where it is discarded improperly causing harm to the environment and human health.
Can we pledge that for every new electronics we purchase we dispose of our e-waste responsibly?

Why should you recycle e-waste?
E-waste largely contains plastic, precious metals and toxic chemicals. Disposing e-waste responsibly helps to recycle plastic, extract metals for reuse, and treat toxic chemicals, such as lead, in a safe facility.
Recycling e-waste ensures that dangerous elements are treated properly, and resources are conserved.
In India, over 90% of e-waste ends up in landfills or the informal sector where it is burnt or melted with acid. When e-waste is burnt or dumped in landfills, it releases harmful chemicals, such as cadmium, which adversely impacts human health and surrounding lands. With our planet having limited resources, it is essential for us to conserve natural elements through recycling and reuse. Hence, e-waste needs to be managed in a safe environment by experts.
Who recycles your e-waste?
Croma has tied up with e-waste disposal experts JustDispose and R Planet who help with safe e-waste management and disposal.
JustDispose is a leading e-waste disposal agency, certified by the Maharashtra Pollution Board, ISO9001:2008 certified for Quality Management Standard & ISO14001:2004 certified to ensure Environmental Management Standard. All e-waste collected from consumers is safely disposed of in JustDispose’s state-of-the-art facility.
R Planet is an Extended Producer Responsibility Organisation (EPRO) for e-waste management and is an authorised recycler by the Central Pollution Control Board (CPCB) for recycling e-waste. R Planet also helps Croma with its EPR requirements and the recycling of e-waste.
What happens to all the e-waste you discard?
The e-waste collected at Croma stores is transported to a central location which is then picked up by JustDispose for recycling. The e-waste is segregated, dismantled and recycled in a scientific manner at a well-equipped facility owned by JustDispose. JustDispose is a government-authorised recycling partner and operates as per guidelines set by Central Pollution Control Board (CPCB).
Plastic and metals are extracted for recycling, and hazardous materials such as lead, mercury and cadmium are shipped to the government-run Common Hazardous Waste Treatment (CHWT) facility for safe and environment-friendly disposal. Croma and JustDispose ensure that the e-waste is managed responsibly.
When does Croma come into the picture?
Every Croma store functions as a collection centre with a designated e-waste bin where you can deposit your e-waste. Croma ensures that the e-waste is handed over to a trusted recycling partner for safe disposal.
To know more about Croma’s e-waste program, dial up our toll-free customer care number: 1800-57-27662
To locate the nearest collection centre to deposit your e-waste, you can find the list of collection centres here .