Standalone EW Activation FAQ
- If you have purchased your device from Croma, follow the below steps to link with the ZipCare plan:
- If you have not purchased your device from Croma, follow the below steps to link with the ZipCare plan:
- If the price of the device purchased does not match or fall within the price range/price of the purchased plan.
- If the plan’s product category does not match the category of the device. For e.g., the plan purchased is for an air conditioner but the device you are linking it to is a refrigerator.
- If the plan was bought before the purchase of the device. Plan can be purchased on or after the device purchase date.
- If the plan purchase date is beyond 11 months from the date of the device purchase. Linking should happen within 15 days of the plan purchase.
- If the device OEM warranty is less than 12 months or greater than 60 months.
- If the device invoice number entered does not match with the invoice number printed on the uploaded invoice copy.
- If the uploaded device invoice copy is not computerised.
- If the uploaded device invoice copy is not GST compliant.
- If the price of the device purchased does not match or falls within the price range/price of the purchased plan.
- If the plan got purchased for the wrong category of the device. For e.g., the plan purchased for an air conditioner was for a refrigerator.
- If the device OEM warranty is less than 12 months or greater than 60 months.
- If the device invoice no. does not match with the invoice no. printed on the uploaded invoice copy.
- If the uploaded device’s invoice copy is handwritten.
- If the uploaded device Invoice copy is not GST compliant.
- If the device was not linked with the plan within 15 days from the date of purchase of the plan.
- If your purchased product is of the Apple brand.
- Call us on 1800 5700947
- Write to us at
- Visit your nearest Croma store
A. How to link a device with the plan?
Go to>>“My Plans”>> Select the “Purchased Plan”>>Click on “Link My Device”>>Click on “Purchased from Croma”>>Check “Plan Details” and “Device Details” and click on “Confirm”.
Go to >> “My Plans”>> Select the “Purchased Plan”>>Click on “Link My Device”>>Click on “Purchased from Another Vendor”>>Fill in “Device Model No.”, “Device Serial No.”, “Device OEM Warranty”, “Device Purchase Date”, “Device Brand”, “Device Price”, “Device Invoice No.”, “Upload Invoice” copy and click Submit.
B. Why is it important to link a device?
Linking of the device is a mandatory step for the activation of the Extended Warranty plan and to avail services against the purchased plan without any hassles.
C. Under what conditions a device cannot get linked with the plan?
Your device cannot get linked with the plan:
D. Which all brand/brands are not applicable for linkage and activation?
ZipCare plans can be linked to devices offered by various brands. However, Apple devices cannot get linked to any purchased ZipCare plan.
E. Within how many days can I successfully link the device with the plan?
The device and the plan must be linked within 15 days from the date of purchase of the plan. If the linking doesn’t happen in the specified period, the plan will be cancelled, and the plan amount will be refunded.
F. Under what conditions does cancellation and refund take place?
Your device linking with the plan might get cancelled:
If you are unable to link the plan to your device, the plan amount will be refunded to you.
G. How to reach out for more clarity and support?
In case of any queries, you can: