- Zomato voucher worth INR 500 on the purchase of JBL product worth INR 2999
- Zomato voucher worth INR 1000 + Times Prime membership for 1 year worth INR 999 on the purchase of JBL product worth 6999
- Offer period- 24th Dec’21- 31st Jan’22
- Enter your Name, Email Id and Mobile Number, Model Number
- Upload a copy or image of the invoice, Model No./Order ID and click on “Submit”
- Rewardport will verify the details as submitted
- For Zomato Voucher of 500/-, after verification, a Zomato code of Rs. 250/- will be sent to the customer immediately
- 2nd unique code of Rs.250/- will be mailed to the customer and can be claimed after 30 days.
- To claim the 2ndunique code. The customer needs to visit http://jbloffer.rewardzpromo.com after 30 days by clicking on claim icon
- Both the vouchers cannot be claimed together
- For Zomato Voucher of 1000/-, after verification, a Zomato code of Rs. 350/- will be sent to the customer immediately
- 2 unique codes of Rs. 350/- & Rs. 300/- respectively and can be claimed after 30 days
- To claim the 2nd & 3rdunique codes the customer needs to visit http://www.jbloffer.rewardzpromo.com after 30 days by clicking on claim icon
- All the vouchers cannot be claimed together
- For Times Prime Subscription, the customer needs to visit the web site http://www.jbloffer.rewardzpromo.com and submit all the necessary details as required
- Reward port will verify the details submitted and once done will send a Times Prime code will be sent to the customer
- In case during verification it is found that the details as submitted, Reward port reserves the right to reject the claim
- Claim once rejected, the customer cannot claim the Zomato / Times Prime again
Customer may redeem the Offer between 24thDec, 2021 and 31stJan, 2022 by following the below guidelines to register and receive the unique code to claim the annual subscription / voucher. Last date to claim the Offer is 15th Feb, 2022.
Register: Visit www.jbloffer.rewardzpromo.com or scan the QR code mentioned in the VM to complete your registration