The durability of washing machines is directly related to how often you use them. In fact, the unit will fail very quickly if you don’t let it rest. It is not uncommon for washing machines to have technical issues after being used continuously for several hours. Long-term use of its electric unit can damage its parts.
How many times should a washing machine be used in a day?
We use washing machines daily as essential appliances for our daily lives. It is okay to use a washing machine 10-12 times a day. However, if you want to use it again, you must let it rest for at least 40-60 minutes before turning it on again, as, during its run-time, it tends to generate a lot of heat.
It is common to use the washing machine often if you live in the PG or have several guests visiting you. Investing in an established best-performance brand will ensure you won’t encounter any problems down the road.
What happens if you overuse your washing machine?
There is always a risk of damage when we overuse any electric appliance. There can be damage to the drum, resistance in electric parts, or burn-in motor when we overuse a washing machine. As a result, the washer and its internal part also lose their durability and life.
A slow-performing machine may be due to a malfunctioning internal part. If your washing machine has been used continuously for a long time, you may notice slow performance. Overusing it can additionally shorten its lifespan.
Is it okay to use a washing machine every day?
Typically, it is okay to use washing machines every day as long as you give them time to rest after using them for an hour. Washing machines need rest to handle heat resistance inside them. When used once or twice, they work well and show no signs of damage.
When using your washing machine daily, make sure you don’t overload it. Neither its parts nor the overall mechanism can withstand continuous use for long periods. If you use a machine continuously for more than 1-1.5 hours every day, you will experience resistance, drum damage, unworking paddles, and motor burn.
In addition to their built-in technology and specially engineered materials, washing machines can be used daily as they are designed for everyday work.
For everyday use, regular medium-budget models are fine if you only want to use them once or twice a day. But if you want to pay the price for the quality, you can invest accordingly.
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Chetan Nayak