If Excel is the most dominant software in the enterprise world then CAD is its equivalent in the engineering design world. Autodesk’s AutoCAD is the most dominant software used for computer-aided design and drafting applications. Known for its accuracy and used by professionals such as designers, architects, manufacturers, engineers, and modellers, AutoCAD creates a drawing file or a binary file called a DWG file.
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In addition to the DXG file, Autodesk has also created a CAD data file format called DXF that enables data interoperability between AutoCAD and other programs. However, with CAD software, the biggest challenge is to get your files in the DWG or DXF file format.
While most designers and modellers are adept with converting DWF files to PDF, the reverse is also required at times. Let’s first understand the .DWG file format and then see how you can efficiently convert PDF to DWG or DXF file formats on your computer or laptop.
PDF to DWG: Why should you convert these file formats
A .DWG file is a binary file format used to store 2D and 3D designs, vectors, maps, geometric data, and images in AutoCAD. This format is used for drawing files and for an AutoCAD designer to work, they need the file to be in this format. While a PDF file is better suited for sharing and viewing documents, it lacks the editability and precision offered by AutoCAD files.
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Before you convert your PDF to DWG, you need to understand whether it is a Raster of Vector PDF file. A vector file can be directly imported in AutoCAD whereas a Raster file does not offer the same flexibility. Once you know the type, here are 5 efficient tips to convert PDF to DWG file.
5 key ways to convert PDF to DWG file format
1. Manual tracing
2. PDF to DWG Converter
3. Online conversion tools
4. Convert Vector PDF file to DWG using AutoCAD
5. Convert Raster PDF file to DWG using Inkscape
1. Manual tracing
This is the most straightforward way to convert a PDF to a DWG file format. It is time-consuming and not ideal for complex designs but it works well for simple drawings. Here’s how it works:
Step 1: Open both the PDF and AutoCAD software.
Step 2: You can manually trace over the lines in the PDF using the “Line” and “Polyline” tools in AutoCAD.
Step 3: Assign layers and attributes as needed during the tracing process.
Step 4: Save the file in a DWG format.
This process is not only labour-intensive but also not suitable for all design types. You will need to match the scale and accuracy, which makes it even more challenging but users get complete control over the conversion process.
2. PDF to DWG Converter
If you are looking for efficiency then PDF to DWG converter tools are the best solution. There are many paid and free software tools available that can convert your PDF file to DWG format but AutoDWG PDF to DWG Converter is the best. Here is how it works:
Step 1: Download and install the software on your computer.
Step 2: Open the PDF file you want to convert in AutoDWG software.
Step 3: Now select the version of DWG you want to create, set the scale, and configure other options.
Step 4: Click the “Convert” or “Start” button to begin the conversion process.
Step 5: Save the resulting DWG file once the conversion is complete.
3. Online conversion tools
Today, there is an online tool for converting every file type. You can also find online conversion tools to convert PDF to DWG or DXF file format. With an online tool, you won’t need to install any additional software on your machine. Many websites are offering such services including AutoDWG.
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Here are the steps to follow:
Step 1: Visit a popular PDF to DWG conversion tool online.
Step 2: Click on “Browse a file” to look for your PDF file.
Step 3: Configure your conversion settings.
Step 4: Start the conversion by clicking on the conversion button to initiate the process.
Step 5: Download the converted DWG file once the conversion is complete.
4. Convert Vector PDF file to DWG using AutoCAD
Step 1: Create a new DWG file in AutoCAD
Step 2: Go to the Insert tab and click on the PDF Import button located in the Import section.
Step 3: The Select PDF File window will open. Now, select the PDF file you want to convert and click Open.
Step 4: Enter the number of pages in the chosen PDF file, and specify the scale and rotation.
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Step 5: Now specify which parameters must be imported in the PDF data to import section.
Step 6: For layers, you can choose “PDF layers, create object layers, and current layer.”
Step 7: Select the boxes based on how you want AutoCAD to import the PDF file under the Import options section.
Step 8: Click on the OK icon to finish the import process.
Step 9: Save the resulting file in DWG file format to complete the conversion process.
5. Convert Raster PDF file to DWG using Inkscape
A Raster PDF file contains an image created with pixels or has a scanned image. You can use AutoCAD to convert a Raster PDF file to a DWG file but using a free vector software like Inkscape would be more efficient. Here’s how to convert a Raster PDF file to DWG using Inkscape.
Step 1: Download and install the Inkscape vector graphics editor from here.
Step 2: Once installed, open Inkscape and go to the File menu.
Step 3: Choose the Import option and select the PDF file you wish to import.
Step 4: Click on the imported image and you will see that the border is highlighted. Now, drag this image and place it on the blank paper. You can also use the anchors to scale and fit the image into the black paper. If you use anchors then make sure that the Ctrl key is pressed for uniform scaling in every direction.
Step 5: Select the scaled image, right click and choose “Ungroup” from the menu.
Step 6: Keep the image selected after ungrouping. Move your cursor to the Path menu and choose Trace Bitmap.
Step 7: Under the Trace Bitmap window, click on the Single scan tab and you will come across Detection Mode. From this option, choose Brightness Cut-off and choose a higher value for the Threshold value option for clearly visible lines. If you want to reduce the visibility of lines, lower the threshold value.
Step 8: Choose Edge Detection from the drop-down list of Detection Mode and choose a higher Threshold value. This will highlight the drawing edges.
Step 9: Once you have made the necessary changes, click on Apply. This will create a new image above the old one with new settings. You can move it to a new page and delete the original file.
Step 10: Click on the File menu and choose Save as. Select AutoCAD DXF R14 from the list of formats.
Step 11: Now open the DXF file in AutoCAD and save it in the DWG file format.
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The above tips will help you efficiently convert your PDF file into a DWG or DXF file. Do note that PDF is still the most portable way to share your designs. DWG and DXF file formats, on the other hand, are machine-readable and can be used across a workflow and allow for both further edits as well as collaboration.

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Karthekayan Iyer