How to protect yourself from the side-effects of ACs

Wondering what side effects could an AC possibly have? Read on

How to protect yourself from the side-effects of ACs

In the summertime, you’ll find yourself spending more time in your rooms with the AC on full blast. While it brings respite from the heat, did you know that this could also lead to a number of side effects? That’s right, while the AC is meant to comfort you, it can also cause a lot of health issues. It is imperative to know just what these issues are and how to tackle them.

Prolonged exposure to ACs can lead to dehydration and heat exhaustion, which are both uncomfortable and dangerous conditions. To keep safe this summer, here are some tips for avoiding the side effects of too much AC.

Tips on how to protect yourself from the side effects of AC

Here are some simple things to keep in mind to safeguard yourself from potential side effects of using air conditioning constantly.

Keep your AC clean

One of the most important things you can do to protect yourself from the side effects of ACs is to keep them clean. Dirty air filters can lead to poor indoor air quality, which can cause respiratory problems, allergies, and other health issues. Make sure to clean or replace your air filters regularly and have your AC unit serviced by a professional at least once a year.

Maintain proper humidity levels

ACs can also cause low humidity levels, which can lead to dry skin, eyes, and throat. To maintain proper humidity levels, consider using a humidifier in conjunction with your AC unit. This will help keep the air moist and prevent dryness.

Use your AC properly

Using your AC properly can also help protect you from its side effects. Set your thermostat to a comfortable temperature and avoid setting it too low. This will not only help prevent health issues but also save energy and reduce your electricity bill. Additionally, avoid sitting directly in front of the AC unit for prolonged periods as this can cause colds and other respiratory problems.

Take breaks

Lastly, taking breaks from your AC can also help protect you from its side effects. Spending too much time in an air-conditioned environment can cause fatigue, headaches, and other health issues. Consider taking breaks outside or in a naturally ventilated room to give your body a break from the cool air.

Reasons excessive use of air conditioning can pose health hazards 

The rising temperature and the onset of summer may tempt you to switch on or keep your air conditioner on for a prolonged period of time, but there are several studies pointing towards why you shouldn’t. While having your AC on for a while may bring down your body temperature and, in some instances, purify the air in your space, there are multiple side effects to being exposed to it all day long.

Air conditioners, for one, are proven to cause dry or itchy skin, more so, if you’ve spent a long time outside in the heat before you venture into a cool room. Similarly, it causes dehydration as it tends to suck any humidity present within your room. Staying too long in an air conditioning room is also known to cause respiratory issues and sore throat, especially when these appliances are not sanitised from time to time. Lastly, people spending long hours in a closed, office space may also feel a mild headache once they step back to normal temperature. The sudden fluctuation in climate may not be suitable for your body and immunity, as the difference is often too vast.

The best way to tackle this is by taking breaks between AC usage and always having enough ventilation in your room. Another way to go about this is by ensuring your appliance is serviced from time to time. The varying difference between the outdoor and indoor temperatures is not entirely ideal for the human body and it is always a good idea to switch to an eco-mode or have a cut-off timer for regulation purposes.

A little bit of fresh air can go a long way. Doing so will ensure that you stay comfortable and healthy during these hot summer days. You’ll be feeling great in no time if you take breaks from your AC and enjoy the summer breeze. Keeping yourself comfortable and healthy is essential, and taking regular breaks from air-conditioned environments can help prevent fatigue, headaches, and other health issues. It’s important to stay cool during hot summer days, but don’t let your AC put you at risk!

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